There is only 30 minutes to get this right She sets the paper down in front of me Inhale then exhale I tell myself I look over the test it is all multiple choice My least favorite kind My heart starts beating faster at this Inhale then exhale I tell myself I try to circle in as many of the right answers in the next 20 minutes I can do this! Just Inhale then exhale I tell myself Oh no! Everything is starting to go blank now It feels like all the knowledge is starting to slowly seep out my brain and leak from my ears I sit tight and close my eyes Inhale and exhale The questions do not make sense anymore Is it B or D I erase my original answer and began to second guess myself The pencil shakes in my hand Inhale and Exhale I give my eyes a quick rub and read the questions one more No that's not right Its D not B I Inhale-- Time's up!