and there were the flowers that hung above us outside the cafeteria, the quad. There was the first warm day of the year and the walk we took, and there was the wind. There was the month in winter when we did nothing but talk; there was the rain, then summer, then the falling leaves. There was the trip to San Diego, the trip to Germany and Austria, there was the cabin
and there was the night in August when I decided I could not sleep so instead I wrote. There was a moment I remember when I began to feel that I was nothing but my memories, and there was the morning we went to breakfast instead of going to class. There were the nights when I had panic attacks and you would come and talk and I would feel better
and there was orchestra, there were the notes written back and forth. There were the chords we learned and put to good use, the needless trips to stores, every item I own is a Symbol of a memory I can not live again. There was the grass and music playing off in the distance, there are the goodbyes too painful but always in my mind, the hours devoted to practicing.
There were eighteen years and then there was this.
and after you there was another friend but her hair was not brown but blonde instead. And after my first there was no one for a while, but I’m sure there will be another boy with a swimmer’s build and that look in his eye. And there will be another and another until I die. And even if I’m surrounded by you and all the ones I love and loved I will be alone, truly surrounded by only my memories. And I will remember that there were the moments when I smiled
and there was hope, I am not just my memories I hope I am not. There is water and love, I can not end until I end. I will be what is after this. And after that I will be whatever that is. And after and after until I end. And after