While I am innocently driving Headlights approach behind me That are totally blinding Here nobody will find me So I have to keep riding
I can barely see the road Because the scary glow Only seems to grow As it gets closer To bringing me closure In what could be a bull dozer
Sweat falls down my cheek Because times are bleak When I can’t see the street The lights and my car meet Yet I continue moving As the lights go through me They illuminate my cabin Like a luminescent dragon Disorienting my brain With blinding pain On this winding lane During hazardous rain
The headlights float through my car While shining like an exploding star I’m having difficulty seeing very far The headlights are my vision’s guard Because my eyes start burning While my wheels keep turning I reluctantly resume learning Shining pain on this journey
Well this isn’t good The lights went through my hood Violently twisting metal But not the gas pedal So my car won’t settle As the blinding lights replace my own Now blinding others feels like home For I want the light’s pain to be known So I won’t feel so alone In this blinding zone