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Sep 2012
Standing between life and death

I heard her voice speak it was the same as the one I heard as a teenager now it haunted me because I
Know the one who loved her most is gone from this world what he wouldn’t give to hear her talking and
Just to see her walking something we think nothing of this majesty this beholding of a golden glorious
Moment far greater for mortal eyes or mortal ears to hear it has to compare to that of hearing your
Baby cooing no matter who you are the melting begins innocence has stirred the elemental atmosphere
Something so small outweighs convention the enthralling overtures dismiss all contrary notions so is this
So only a woman has spoken but not so the under tow of so much value and worth has been released
This static measureless wonder bids you to stand and view the high tide that will soon be washing over
You love formed a pack your heart and her voice would form a continuum yes an in its special light it
Would eventually rival the sun and outshine it because it could pierce the depth and shine in the richest
Place of the soul a boldness that was beholden to trust the very sight of her was the guiding star to
Affection’s hidden store house many were the escapades where in the most colorful wardrobes such
Was the entertainment of love’s casting the high splashing in this deepening well that surges with the
Emotions no longer in check it has set itself to sail on the unbounded sea that only true love can and will
Ever know the touch of the human hand the tiniest movement has set in motion that truly will swell into
The windswept far reaches of discovery of another human beings inner longings and thoughts the
Stronghold has been encountered it s heights has been acceded the calling the longing has been heard
And accepted the hearts are now entwined the future is in irreversible ****** nothing can slow or derail
This juggernaut there is no power greater than love but so many play with it as if it were just a trifle
The one who stands on a far off shore either by death or some other means that has broke this joined
Union will attest to you with the greatest eloquence of it worthiness it never diminishes it is a mettle
In its own right of unbreakable strength it can never be corroded and its venerated glory is that as an
Intangible it is indestructible so when I heard this beloved ones voice it was in the forever now he who
Loved now without a body has not stopped loving he has now been given the freedom to love without
Limitations a mortal now a king a master of all intentions his thoughts rule and bow to only truth the
One higher glory that is known by nail prints of his own uncommon love so in this realm love is revered
And honored lost a love you couldn’t lose its not lost its just growing in the brightest tomorrow
Written by
Hal Loyd Denton  Pana Ill
(Pana Ill)   
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