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Feb 2018
Mickey Mouse ears
Walking around holding hands with the little ones
I remember how you left me sitting at the bar
And forgot to introduce me.

Your coworker asked me how I was
Sent me hugs and such
I said as little as I could say
And I remember the day
When he came up and whispered in my ear
"When is it gonna be you I'm gonna be yelling at people for."

A silver jumper
I've worn it since I left you
Since I buried us in the ground.

I eat vegetarian now
I know more about how things work
I sniff out when people love me for me
I remember how I braided my hair
You loved it best when it was purple
Sitting on my bed
Saying you didn't love me because of my brilliance.

I utter only silence into your direction now
I close my eyes from time to time
A deep feeling washes over me
Little pet names
How you would stress over every little thing
And now it is, that you claim to have this big future
With someone else.

There is something in the air that no one is really saying
But I know they see photos of me
They see what I am doing
They know you, they got to know me for a moment
The truth lingering in the air
Like shards of glass
From the night you fell short
And I never looked back
With any hope
Ever again.

It's true that it was all going to fall apart at some point
It's true that I did my best
And I meant it when I said I gave it my all
Leaving, riding away
Looking back only for closure
It's taken me so long to forget the way
Your eyes would meet mine
Full of longing
And the sentiment
That I wasn't just right
In fitting into the tiny little crevice
That was there in your already
Preordained life.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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