A red rose is warmth It is love A blue rose is a phantom It is refined guise A purple rose is a special someone Warmer than red and cooler than a blue one A yellow rose is joy Closely knit with the sun An orange rose to represent enthusiasm Fascination and passion A pink rose for appreciation Light but pretty A white rose for purity and spirituality
How about a green rose? Unique one but common like any other hue of a leaf But think not about that Deeper something lies
A black rose then? Perhaps it is dead, a demonic, forlorn or forgotten Yet remember this rose is a rose too just like all of you Just planted on the wrong ***, raised in a vile way, watered with poison and plucked from the depths of Tartaros
How about I? I am the BloodyRose I may be any of the these roses Oftentimes, I dream a field of white roses soaked in blood I like the red rose Because I too have a heart Aspire to be a blue rose In search of a refined self Like the purple one, because she has a share in the world of blue and red I'm more of a green one Because I myself don't understand But I portray myself as a black rose... Only when the other roses reach out will they see the true me.
In the end what matters is not my color, but the hand that reaches out to me. What will change me is the hand who tries to understand me and cares for me. Just as God is the shepherd to a sheep A rose needs a gardener too.
I am the BloodyRose - rose soaked in blood... It matters not whatever color I am Because as long as my master gardener is here... My color matters not... All that matters is that hand reaching out to me that plucked me and took care of me...