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Feb 2018
Running out of jobs, running out of room on the planet so to side track us we create the dab. Let me take a selfie, so lost without our weefee. Driver less cars coming into effect, robots slowly taking over our jobs as well but we don’t see it because without technology we’re pathetic. Don’t have real conversations anymore, what for I can just text instead and everybody claims to be victims and say I should care. Care about religion, care about my profession, care about different genders, **** that **** I’ll just put that **** in a blender. Everyone vegan or gluten ******* hipsters, so foolish but if I stray away from that culture I’m a offender. ***** get over it, don’t like it **** my ****. Millennial problems, such senseless and pointless problems. Looked at as lazy, looked at as crazy, looked at as  being to flashy. Can say the same for other generations, but every delegation grows worse as we go generation to generation. Saying we’ve hit mile stones like everyone can vote, but ain’t no body going out to vote. People died for that **** so we can have democracy, but probably doesn’t matter if you do because freedom and equality is a fallacy. Wanna escape by my millennium falcon, because I don’t think we’ll fix this problem. Capitalism has failed us, governments have failed us, media has failed us, and education has failed us. Gap between the rich and poor growing and it doesn’t seem to be slowing. Propaganda making you blinded from the evil doings of your commanda. Sometimes I can’t tell if we live in democracy or systematic dictatorship, for the government helps itself don’t believe me ask natives about trusting their supposed friendship. Middle class measuring rods separating lower class kids from the rest, for if you don’t have white middle class values your deemed a pest. Culture clashing with other cultures, man I would have loved to live in era of hunting and gathering because they had great features. Everyone had a position, everyone had a collaborative mission. What a substantial downfall, yeah we’re so ****** when we hit the wall. Become a third world nation, but we to busy worrying about keeping up with the newest fashions. Millennial problems become further issues later, but we say **** we’ll worry about it later. (22)
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
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