THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE: Obligation: ------------- in the presence of the Creator of the Universe and the members of the Fraternal Order of Police here assembled, do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will to the best of my ability comply with all the laws and rules of this Order; that I will recognize the authority of my legally elected officers and obey all orders therefrom not in conflict with my religious or political views, or my rights as an American citizen; that I will not cheat, wrong, or defraud this Order, or any member thereof, or permit the same to be done if in my power to prevent it; that I will at all times aid and assist a worthy Brother (or Sister) in sickness or distress, so far as it lies in my power to do so; that I will not divulge any of the secrets of this Order to any one not entitled to receive them. To all of which I most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear. Should I violate this, my solemn oath or obligation, I hereby consent to be expelled from the Order.