Slow and somber song, your melody is bittersweet Leaving poets with losses for words, knocking strong men from their feet Meet, meet these fragile ears and help me to sing along Lifting out the bittersweet taste of the somber, slower song
Shade each note in on paper woven from the stars Falling to earth from the heavens and missing where shining lights are Fleeting is the moment here in the pace and place where we belong Lifting out the bittersweet taste of the somber, softer song
Teardrops fall to the river and strike the starting cue Fireflies dance amonst the mist in the field where I search for you Deep, deep does this song's words pierce in my heart like night pierced by dawn Lifting out the bittersweet taste of the somber, softer song
Rest your head onto the grass and see as it softly caresses your skin Feel the tip of each stanza, know not where one ends nor where one begins Steep, steep is the fall into sorrow as days grow short and nights grow long Lifting out the bittersweet taste of the somber, softer song