I was placed above you as a child You used to giggle at my feathers and beads You were safe when I watched you 31 years ago
I swayed softly above your crib Protected you from the dark clouds that came at night You slept peacefully as I guarded you
You hung me on the corner of your bed when you turned three Your mother sang you softly to sleep beside me The songs of her parents and her grandparents and those who came before
You hung me on your mirror when you were thirteen Your new house was strange but I was your constant You knew you were safe
At eighteen you placed me in a box Took me with you across the country You hung me on your bunk
Twenty-two and we move again You place me on your mirror again But now I protect you and another
Today you hang me on another crib The little baby looks just like you She sleeps peacefully just like you did, 31 years ago
I was told to be an object and write a poem about it. That's what I did.