You think you know a person Because you looked into their eyes And thought you saw their soul It was really just my pool of lies You believed them
My real soul hides behind my eyes Where no one ever looks
I know How to paint a picture of the world you want To live in You come inside
I burn it with the colors in my hair
I used to bleed sometimes The blood is all dried up now My heart doesn't have a job anymore It wanted one, so I Fed it poison to pump
Through my veins Through my body Through my mind
Everyone has a story Everyone wants to tell it There are some who lock it away They pretend it doesn't exist until one day it gets so fat from slowly eating their soul that they can't hold it anymore or squeeze it back into the box it was held in and then it it coming up their throat and tears are mixing with blood and with sweat and then finally after so many years and years of this suffocating existence they Die And they have peace Finally
But then there are some Who give out little pieces of their story On little pieces of paper To everyone who walks by And there's a note on the back of each slip