Sixteen Sixteen is the Age of excitement Rebirth And new Experiences Sixteen is the age where You are no longer Mothers little Girl with her radiant Blonde hair tied Into two pigtails Her innocence of youth Still intact The light in her eyes Still shining Bright as day Driving Driving is a milestone That everyone looks forward Too with baited breath But what happens when One girl's legs simply **** At being legs? What happens when Society drags her under The deep dark ocean Of loathing her natural beauty? What happens when society Tells her what she can or can not be What happens when she gets picked on What happens when the monster in the closet Becomes her own self-image what Happens when she learns that people Are cold cruel crass or malicious To her just for being her Will her innocence of youth Be broken like a fragile glass Will the light vanish from her eyes Leaving only rain clouds of tears Will the ghost of a smile no one has seen In months linger on her face Will she let go of the cliff that is Called hope that she has been clinging To all her life falling to the rocky jagged Called life the blood that was her Hope innocence Youth Optimism Spilling out of her Wounds What happens when she turns sixteen?