I needed to go to the store the other day,
I was in a big hurry, no time to play,
I grabbed my wallet, my keys, and my hat,
and reached down to pet my friendly old cat
The traffic was bad, cars going fast,
took me forever, but I got there at last,
picked up some milk, some butter, some cheese,
grabbed for my hanky as I started to sneeze
I got into line it was terribly long,
I daydreamed a while, recalling a song,
the man at the checkout was starring at me,
I wondered what, what it could be
He said 'something is wrong' there's a tail from your hat,
I patted my head 'I said it's just my old cat',
he looked at me funny so I said to him,
his name is Fluffy, but I call him Jim
He likes to go with me wherever I go,
and I like him with me he puts on a show,
he pats my nose and licks on my head,
he's more than a cat he's my best friend I said
some may think I'm silly for sure,
but I have a hard time walking out of that door,
without my wallet, my keys to my flat,
but most of all my cat in my hat
Gomer LePoet...