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Feb 2018
My father kneels down for pennies
As soon as they hit the floor
My mother bleeds for a country
Where she dreamt rich and lived poor

My father lives with callouses
On his wisened, worked rough hands
My mother left for a new life
Left strife for strife in new lands

My sister pretends no struggle
Has ever touched her young days
My brother repeats the pattern
With his own wife and his ways

My sister laughs, smiles, and lives
Her cries beneath her perfect teeth
My brother works beside father
But for his child he fakes a feast

Myself I promise just millions
Although I am now still weak
My smile enchants, eyes alive
My tongue quick, silver, and sleek

Myself in search for a devil
Believing he can help me
In his filthy gold I revel
What their rhythm left empty
An all American family
Written by
jer  18/F/illinois
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