I used to share a room whith my father he would go outside and sit in his shed Or he would go out with friends and get drunk
anyway when he was out every night I would stay up till midnight and I would watch the stars and the moon
They'd like to sparkle and glow iluminating the dark room and the outside I always like to have a conversation with them As I heard the clutter of conversation between stars
I always had my personal conversation with the moon the moon would always give me complements on how the light reflected on my pale skin that nobody else liked On how my personality was different Which nobody loved On my interesting take on the world which everybody put me down for And on my funny and different mind which everybody called me dumb
On the first night of me doing this the moon and stars forever became my friends Id count everyone of them id name everyone of them Every time they appeared Id say hello to each one before we began talking We always has the funnest of conversations
And then midnight comes around And I say to all of them Good morning Because I know they go away when the sun came up So I said good morning because midnight is the start of A new day (I never liked the sun for chasing away my friends)
And id do this every single night and still do But around the time I began kindergarten I began to truely notice that some stars have disappeared but there would be new and different ones So I named the new ones and welcome them and things changed a little Everytime a new one would come in Id just name it and we'd continue our conversations
And there was this one star Very unique It was off in the middle of the sky all alone no stars but far off around it and it shined brightly of course the other stars weren't avoiding this little star In fact they were trying to go to the poor thing but the sky had its own plans so it stayed alone
All that night i had a fun conversation And at midnight I went to say good morning but i forgot to name the poor star so right when the clock struck 12:01 I named the star "Hayden" and I said to Hayden good day And he sparkled and I went to bed
The next day I went to school and I felt how Hayden felt alone that day were having hot chocolate and watching the nightmare before christmas it was into the school year and a day before winter break I was sitting in the back alone watching the show and this boy.... he walked up to me and sat next to me and he said " interesting movie huh?" I just sat there and stared in amazement And I shook off the look and just said "yah" I'm going to spare you the rest of the conversation and just say we became good friends at the end of the day we shook hands and I said " my name is Tommy." And he said " its nice to meet you Tommy ... my names Hayden... its nice to be your friend."
I walk away in amazement
but that night Hayden isn't in the sky And never was again And me and Hayden at school were friends all the way up to fourth grade He turned around and stabbed me in the back He betrayed me and left me alone And I never saw him again
I was truly alone again Just had the stars and moon as friends
And new stars continue to roll in And I continue to name each one
But I wonder what happens to stars? do they become suns do they just explode and destroy and disappear like he did? And I say to myself " not all stars disappear not all stars will be that way but we know Stars are your friend when no one else is"
See everyone is a star in there own way each different and In a different location But you gotta know were all in the same sky
And as the moon lights up my life And my room and the outside I think and know I'm glad to have the nigh sky as my friend Cause when I'm dead I don't wanna go to heaven and have fun I don't wanna go to hell and watch those he wronged me Burn I want to dance and walk around the night sky and truly meat the moon and each star Sun (even though if they chase away my friends They deserve something to) Nova Black hole Comet Meteor planet I wanna meet everyone in the sky I saw all of those who were there for me when I was alone The night sky is mine and my friends home Don't worry No one is alone for the leading moon isn't days doom its happiness and my true. happy. home.
=) I love you all.... I love my friends and I love those of you who like my poetry.... you don't have to like my poetry I'm not one of those people. I love you all anyways.