If I could find the Proverbs arranging them accordingly Inside these lucid creases I would die happy, just to concieve metrical composition
... for all time
I'd scribble heartbreaks and rescue missions of my soul to clarify empathy of baptism that my love is more than love
If I had a key with a heart bleeding at the crown I would unlock the poison So much I allowed myself in suffering I am languishing rib cages, shutting in all my reasoning to breathe...
were to be found another day
I'd scribe in scrolls of my 15 yrs of sorrows hoping your eyes can see I am just as damaged as a vehical wreck Yet a mother of 1 who was lost on a sad
3yrs ago when I first decided to bare my deepest and thickest outpour of my poetry, I wrote about you
Mathias Ti'avasu'e
..I became the whipping motherless girl beneath Zues..
Conveyed the impression at first glance Writing my storms delicately as when mommy first held you helped me describe my inner workings so that you might understand
… exactly the mother I could have been
I love you in all of your grace, your purity, and your precious life. And when that time comes that I may write of you I could find the words I need to create heavenly for you and conquer