I’ve tried Haiku - what a tricky “to do:” Then there’s Tanka: this I’ll likely eschew. Cinquain though another different form Is to this poor poet, more true to norm, And better suited to my proclivity!
Though Blank or Free Verse; even Prose, Possesses an appeal: it’s a different pose. Though it allows freedom of expression: It’s not for me. Rhyming, is my obsession, Suits me better; panders to my creativity.
So many genres, some of which I’ve tried: But all too often, my over excited Muse, died; Left struggling with a message, still unsaid. Shortly thereafter find all inspiration dead. Not the best way to ensure productivity!
So Tanka, Cinquain, Haiku or whatever? It surely takes someone smart and clever To emulate the Japanese. Those wily men, Who write their poetry with brush - not pen, Yet retain their sense of rational relativity!