If you do not follow the script the script-writer will have to **** you He will play the lonely broad-hating nut, but really it will be a coup as unborn infants, burdensome babes, America βrighteouslyβ aborts Fear not witches as aborticide is a mother's right invented by courts The fiction is that the impregnation of our women needs no cohorts as it's the natural law law of land, that bench law inevitably distorts Photography elongates legs & entirely removes battle scars & warts Chickies 9-heads tall prove truth in advertisin' ain't what it purports The ropy trails spanning blue horizons ain't what the media reports, Query not Jax aerosolized army tanker jets 'cause T.V. offers sports Most of the stuff Sam's Walmart peddles is ****** ***** imports, as China builds factories in Wyoming, who'll be manning the forts? Respectful people used to refer to constipation as being out of sorts