He took papal liberties with me that I didn't like so much in the beginning. But now I accept his catholickal/catholicistical ways as fatherly.
It's Kung Fu in reverse, the adoration & the adulation that paces me across sad, fairy-land meadows where I chase fairies of race fantasy Pry wide your gob, goofy goober, wolfin' waffles in the men's room ain't never got 1 ****** locked up for gay pimping, we can presume A clock's ticking *****, like a sticking stitch stuck in a witch-*** snit on the bald nog of a drained chimp **** from the massacre at Tikrit Green rhymes with spleen & a spleen that has gone green is seen as being badly corrupted by a putrefyingly-deadly, infarcting gangrene Suicidal tribes, I think who link upon the brink must not, of course, drink pink ink from a sink as it could push bowel twist knot & kink