The gentle spring whispers ideas To the young aspiring writers Who sit and pace While the angry wind Beats the giant trees Sending goose-bumps over the Frightened water
The writers look far off to the naked island That holds a single hala tree Sighing with its loneliness The shimmering reflections in the water Stare back at the hala tree
The smiling sun spears the howling wind With its bright rays Soon enough, she hides behind Her misty grandpa's beard
The lily pads look up Trying to find the once smiling sun Their green faces filled with confusion As their beautiful floral daughters Dance and wave their bright yellow arms
A rainbow has exploded Into the shapes of fish Racing Through the wonderful pond The pond holds a giant house Of cheerful prayer and song Along its side, columns of bright rainbow scales Glitter and sparkle like colored diamonds
Purples, yellows, and blues Take different shapes and sizes Just like their other siblings Magenta peeks out from near the bottom As Tangerine smiles
This is the home of the spring The legend of Ka Punahou