Don't panic It's been a year And then some over You're crossing lines Missing spirit You've outgrown her
And you've said to God “Give me hell If I reject my own handed death Through this mess I will live free and well”
But when She drew the cross on your back You felt your spine bend and crack As it took your breath away And the world left you alone For you to atone Blackening out your day
And God watched from Her place in the sky Entertained Would you live or die? Outlined that cross In bolder lines Watched fall to your knees Smiled When you grit your teeth Instead of screamed and cried And reminded you of that out Over and over in your head
And you said “Take a piece of me And plant it under your holy tree Bury it in the deepest hole you can And I may wonder if I'll be whole again Take my ability to love and then Cut away the the best parts of me Even wicked to see the end”
She replied “Being of the dark Standing bent and stark Would you ever live again in the light? You've traveled across my abyss To find your way home But even in this house of God You would remain alone
You know the of tome That's engraved in your bones That fate would kiss you this way Broken and marred With all your scars The light would never again love you anyway”
Then the sun that lit up your moon Went out and made it new Darkening those cursed eyes in your mirror A mere ghost of you Cut down to survive And survive you do Full of aching echo's And pretend “I love you’s"
Your VCR static Replaying that past Again and again Scorching your mind The blood of your friends To blur the lines from beginning to end
Don't panic My friend You won't die here But you'll never feel alive again