Tomorrow A bright future One untouched By my hands By my destruction
A future I can shape One I can shape But not without help I cannot shape it Without someone
Someone I can trust I only trust so many And I feel that list shortening Everyday that I hurt them Or are hurt by them
Tomorrow is a day without mistakes A day I can call my own A day I can say I am ready A day I can go and be friendly To those I trust and am trusted by
I want to be able to help And be able to be helped I don't want to hurt Nor do I want to be hurt For a betrayal is the greatest pain of them all
I once asked myself Would I like to live in a crafted life
Or live in a world I can shape
Or just take it all away from me and sleep
I am here And I am ready to take on tomorrow Every day I can see them and, her, is the best day of my life Tomorrow is the best day of my life