I haven't forgotten his name Or the way his eyes look But I've forgotten his sense Of humour and the way he laughs And his face when he sleeps I'm not even sure if he weeps I don't know his walk well I've forgotten his natural smell Maybe I just don't know what he Brings apart from when he's Gone and I notice that absence I desire and long for in conversation I know he makes me laugh But I don't know why or when Or if I've even really met him I like how he is and how he looks My way and how he turns me on But it doesn't last long or Make much sense if I can't Properly remember his presence He's like a film star I don't know That you might imagine you know I've fallen I retreat I am heading Back to that time I didn't know His kiss so I can try to forget That time that stays in my mind That time he disappeared without Saying a word no reason has been Given so I'm not prepared To let go get hurt and let it be forgiven