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Jan 2018
Gone now are those we leaned upon,
for wisdom and care throughout out lives;
They've reached their heavenly home above,
where answers are honest and never contrived.

They had been the touchstones of our souls,
the stars shining brightly every day;
Imparting faith, compassion, insight and hope,
in carving out paths to lead the way.

Now they rest--those thoughtful folks,
who had lovingly shared our visions of light;
Sweet memories stir emotions whenever,
we pray--and bid them a fond goodnight.

Always look up to the golden skies,
and you'll feel their presence among us;
The past and present merge together as ONE,
as our hearts overflow with honor and trust.
Written by
Frances E McClelland  Hamilton, NJ
(Hamilton, NJ)   
   S Olson and ---
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