Europe my realm and my prized possession, I instill in thee our novel ideals, for your feudal laws our conquest repeals. Our boisterous wind of emancipation liberates Spain from draconian inquisition. Of the proud Brits' stupendous earning power, an Egyptian campaign would rest the case. I have made subservient Austria to face defeat and lasting capitulation. By sheer divine providence, I soar above my Italian inheritance, bequeathed by Papal authority, and placed in custody of my viceroy. By my might, I brought to subjugation, the recalcitrant fiefdom of Russia, and the resilient kingdom of Prussia. Not even Portugal dared resistance, with her weak army debased like a toy. But in sudden flight, and rare sobriety, her sovereign lord bowed to abdication.
A poem based on Napoleon Bonaparte's(1769-1821) conquest of Europe and half of the globe during the Napoleonic wars.