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Jan 2018
“Can u see me?” I wondered
As I followed your gaze
This seeker of validation
required acceptance and praise

I would lash out in anger
or be innocent and sweet
Whatever got me noticed
I aimed to please

My tears were never good enough
my sadness out of place
Not allowed to express my feelings
as fear and anguish blemished my face

When the energy began to build
I learned to scream and shout
It was the only way I knew
I could get my feelings out

A child craving acceptance
in a jail cell I called home
I longed to be acknowledged
where I always felt alone

A quarter century later
I have set myself free
The jailer was found guilty
the judge and jury destined to be me
Melissa Rose
Written by
Melissa Rose  48/F/Canada
   Abby M and sassybutsweet
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