Black trouble enters your world and circumstances in whatever form it primary purpose is to assail to Become this worse than dark energy that forms a cloud and in its throes you are caused to walk in Confusion clarity and true vision are suspended in the moment the light of possibility the power of Consideration is demoralized all that you thought before with insight and wisdom has been driven to The far borders of the mind try as you might they remain distant the sharp keenness that cut through Messy and tangled thoughts fell from your hand into the darkness try as you may feeling around your Feet nothing but empty will be found stop falling further into the trap your help and deliverance is in your ability to Cast you mind backwards has the dragon gone no but he is in a definable dimension one important thing Has happened before I tell you I could say tell jokes cry run even those work but they still have you on Defense casting your mind backwards breaks the grip gives you the upper hand while writing about Hands do this literally or in your mind reach out and take the hand of a small child instant peace Innocence passes to your mind a sea change big steel machines large cold buildings are now wagons Cuddly toes a child picks one up and seems to automatically brighten and smile and giggle buildings Are fair castles with fun loving kings and knights that are shiny and bright they do the bidding of the king And they have slain their fair amount of dragons you are now too in a land without peril no weapon has Been formed that can long battle truth and stalwartness and too you have entered through times Portal when you again were at odds with life but in that instance you struggled and prevailed the dark Dragon depends on the suspected the illusion that he has tossed into your mind you are supposed to be helpless why fight its hopeless when he sees the light coming to your eyes as you are back there where you stepped from poverty to the rich Knowledge you were made to be a winner your kingdom holds forth truths and facts that are common With children your hard edge blocked out the very thoughts that were racing to your rescue we fret Unduly in the brightest sun light its invigorating rays make us strong the enemy confers us to look at the Dark where subtle twists and turns speak with meanings that are to be subterfuge while all the while his Superiority is to be believed as strong and unbreakable what victory rules when adults deny the Strongholds where faith and truth and love were not expedients in life but the power source unalterable Unerring they dislodged the erroneous the audacity that someone less than He that is Holy could come and long rule over the very children of God what lunacy step up march you have a birthright that gleams to the end of time and then only grows brighter never kneel before trouble stand up march toward it the coward behind it will flee