There is no moral code When time is an icy road Where you cannot stop Or you'll be stuck in the cold ground When the temperature drops Snow collects in my frosty frown And starts to linger On my frostbite fingers While I keep sliding On the line we're riding
I see icy roads Leading to icy modes Of acting Impacting The way we treat each other The same way we beat each other To the finish line Of our frigid time
Time isn't nice When it's ice But it's all we know Time continually goes The challenges grow Buried in snow Trying to go uphill is a nasty nope Sliding downhill is a slippery ***** If you momentarily lose your control You're pulled over by the cops on patrol
Everything is covered in snow Even the cars being towed Their owners gave away their agency And are at the tow truck driver's mercy They rely on him to get them to safety So they cunningly wear his jersey There are things we want Acquired by tease and taunt We drive on top of bodies To gain traction on the street We do what is naughty To have enough to eat
I careen through time Without seeing a dime Everything looks so plain In this frozen rain When the ordinary life Is within my sight I look for something more Only to see a frozen door
There is ice on the road There is ice in my heart I can't handle the load In the back of my cart Until I decide To abide By the slide And glide On the edge of control and freedom There are other cars and I'll lead them
Can be found in my self published poetry book βIcyβ.