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Jan 2018
There's a place called Hell
It's burning fire in a cell
You could be headed there right now and you don't want to know it
Or maybe it hurt's you to much to show it
Hell is a place of fire and torment
A place of loneliness
You may be asking why I say this is the truth that saves
It sounds like that truth that scathes
The reason is because you don't have to go there
You may think I know I'm good enough
Well being good could never make you clean enough for heaven
Sin sends you to Hell
Jesus sends you to Heaven
The Bible says for all have sinned
And fallen short of God's glory
We are all headed for Hell originally
But lucky for us it didn't stay that way
Because Jesus didn't stay in the grave
He was God who came from Heaven
To be sin for us
There had to be a payment
Jesus was the payment
He loves you so much that he died for you
So you wouldn't have to go to Hell
And spend eternity in that cell
Accept his gift
You were warned of Hell
What's you're choice
Or Hell?
Caleb John
Written by
Caleb John  17/M/The Wind
(17/M/The Wind)   
   Jade Lima
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