I cling to you As though you were The edge of a cliff And all below me Such a great distance If I were to fall
I wish to let go Of this ledge At the same time I grasp at it For all that I am
These thoughts run Through my head Like sirens in the night But never reaching me in time
I have no sure footing Not a single leg That I can stand upon Oh how weak I am In spirit and in stamina
What is this life That I hold on Why even try to stay In such a ethereal existence I am but a fool
My mind is filled With everything that I loath These memories that trace Their stupid scars across my mind Over and over Like a beaten path
Only thorns. You cannot claim roses In this garden of rocks In this garden of thoughts. And oh the weeds That you would pull them up By their stubborn roots
Such a tangle is this My life My head My heart Like a sweater cast off the needles I unravel I am undone All my efforts in vain Again I say I am but a fool But a wise one at that
If I could make stars I would not put them In the northern sky I would hold them in my hands, For you to see such thing Because if I cannot give it to you I do not want such a thing
If you are not part of it I want no part
Still as a small child Oh though, she had the biggest of hearts To match her wide eyes And to her All the earth was wondrous Yet appearances have great deception
Now she cannot, Even see the same light Her heart was touched By cold, dark hands Her body broken By those sworn to protect it
And lies So many lies She them keeps woven in her hair And under her fingernails
She sleeps with both eyes open Or not at all
She walks with both feet Upon the ground But never with her head In the clouds
And a knife strapped to her fear To stab at her thoughts As they try to run away
But into the night She whispers, "Do you know what it is like? To watch yourself die? To have little pieces of yourselfΒ Β broken off and throw away? And still make everyone believe that you are, okay.
I'm fine.
Have you ever felt like the whole world was sitting upon your shoulders? Because those who are meant to carry the weight, pushed it off, onto the frail shoulders of a child.
Have you seen it?
Have you felt it? The hollowness inside, when everything that brought you fires of joy ... dims like a candle to long in it's burning."
Because I have. I know many secrets. I have traced them into my skin Which is why, Now. I cannot forget them.
They are a part of me This is why I cry every night to sleep Such a salty sentiment