The liquor doesn't bite anymore, it comes over me, in a flowering, a thunder-wave.
I have dreams of killing him, with a chainsaw and a rose, the rose for you to place over the tendrils of his separated neck.
Or smashing his face into a stone lion's mouth, then forcing him, inch by wriggling inch into a granite maw, trapped forever behind the vicious wardens of stone canines and cement incisors.
I usually dream drunk, too wild in myself, to roam the day sober.
So, work is drunk; eating is drunk; breathing is drunk;
Orange juice spiked, ready to go.
Meatloaf dinner; date with milk, *****, and sweating at five.
Can't you see the carnage?
The flotsam; The raft of bodies of stupid, pale men who give out their positions to hateful women.