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Jan 2018
But how can we allow the ones we love and love us, to cause us so Mutch pain and suffering for so long.... I fully understand the concept of truly loving someone to the point you would be willing to try anything to make it work..however if you acctually loved another would you not want to coexist in happiness and harmony as opposed to; deceit, neglect and underappreciation.... take someone in an abusive relationship persay why do they continue to go back, why dose the  abuser continue to abuse... or the freind who's all for constructive criticism, but leaves out the constructive part... So what is this "love" that allows us to walk into situations blindfolded.... And allows us, to allow the same people to continue to cause us harm...
Written by
Dj  23/M/Thunder bay ontario
(23/M/Thunder bay ontario)   
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