Even the last glint. visible to me has escaped into the dark. far away. And the only silhouette of the silver light, i was holding. around the darkest corner has vanished suddenly. somewhere deep. leaving no sign of it for me. to trace it.
The cold winds have changed their direction. to annihilate the already wounded me. My vulnerabilities are at the peak today. But the winds come close and caress me. Instead of hurting deep. Oh ! I know the winds. Today. even they pity me. and my helplessness.
"Bright. beautiful. comprising all the hues. Blooming beyond seasons. round the clock. Irrigating me somehow. making me bloom. The only flower. i was loving from distance. has now a bee to sing songs around it. To taste its nectar. no less than an elixir."
I'm cold. numb. with restlessness around. My eyes should shed tears. unceasingly. But there's nothing left inside. all parched. They're staring at the sky. the night sky. for it may catch. at least the tail of hope there. moving around. under the veil of darkness.
Pale. squeezed. much gloomy today. I can see the moon with cracks. tonight. Gazing me from the distance. with no blink. I can feel tears rolling down from it. The stars have also dimmed their light today. All mourning for me. shattering down around.
The Spring is going out of my palms. and the Autumn is no more carrying beauty. Rain drops no more heals. instead ****** me. I no more able to see summer sun melting against her light. The winter frost has already captured my heart. The seasons have changed in a while. suddenly.
The feeling are scratching my heart deep. The memories are making it heavy enough. And I wish to pull this pumping object out. Hurt is something certain to happen. All I can try is to lessen it. I did. failed. I loved her and thought. she would do the same.