Where is that little girl I used to know? The one that helped me make faces in the half melting snow? The child that would spend hours on the battered couch with me, Wasting precious time trying to find our show on TV. What ever happened to my first best friend? Oh the seconds, minutes, hours we would spend- Laughing Chasing Walking Talking Running then Tripping and Falling, all before more devilish Door-bell Ringing followed by rapid Sprinting back to your house on the end of the cul-de-sac to find your angry mother, whom later we'd secretly laugh at... So many memories, Jumping fences, Kicking soccer *****, Washing sand from my eyes, Ignoring the teacher to make faces and laugh, which we then disguised as coughing so the fun could carry on, throughout kindergarten, first, second, third, and so on. So many days spent crying over how you left me... Now, my dear Brooke, I just think of you fondly. Hopefully the next time I pass you in the hallway, you'll lift your head and look at me with those eyes I once adored, which are now full of such sadness and worry. I yearn for those glory days, those beautiful times I will never get back... but maybe one day, I'll see a glimpse of that silly little girl I once loved who lived at the end of the cul-de-sac.