Lately I have read a lot of poems from young people That alarm me The talk of ; suicide, self mutilation ,Bullying The list is long I know this is no comparison but it reminds me of the many homeless people do not even acknowledge them when they walk bye We are living in ***** and Gomorrah Many are reaching out for help While people hurry on bye The parable of the Good Samaritan told by Jesus in Luke 10:25-37 This story was told by Jesus in response to question asked by a lawyer who is my neighbor ? As we are told to Love our neighbor as our self
The parable is about a traveler who is stripped of clothing beaten and left For dead alongside the road First a priest and then a Levite come by but both avoid the man finally a Sameritain happens upon the traveler Sameritans and Jews generally despise each other but the Samaritan helps the injured man In conclusion the neighbor figure in the parable is the man who shows mercy for the injured man that is the Good Samaritan
I took the story of the good Samaritan out of Wikipedia this story is not meant to be political but it’s to emphasize the point of these children young adults that are reaching out for us and their lost and we’re turning her head to weigh in we need to talk to them I have been personally reaching out to them in private perhaps together as a family here on this site we can be there for people when they’re hurting