Take your cat and leave my sweater it’s only because of the weather this need to hold onto Christmas even if the **** thing’s ugly bedecked with Santa and his deer sequins forming shiny ***** I’ll wash it till the hair has been removed even if Rudolf will lose an eye.
One gives me hives while the other warms me dander is my kryptonite you knew that when you brought them feline demon into my safe abode ‘it doesn’t shed’ was your mantra then tears spring to eyes in response not to the sorrow I remember well but to the allergies I suffer from.
I don’t need to itch to know I adore you welts the size of frozen peas evacuate this pox of my life allow me to keep my lovely wrap festivities that I long to have before the scratches ran with blood holidays with festive songs now muffled by the snot.
Take your cat and leave my sweater my life will be warmer for the better fur removed from my clothes when loving cotton enfolds my heart no longer snorting benadryl I’ll find peace in our eternal love now that I have cardigan minus the pox of afflicting cat.
“Take Your Cat” is based on the mythological Country tune line “Take your cat and leave my sweater” credited to Keith Urban in his song "You'll Think Of Me".