An unlit room more or less I've lied More Much more Black paint under moonlight Well Let's forget the moon But you see the walls still right? How about drawing the shades And now I've disconnected the street lights And every other light While we're in a mood to disconnect There goes the rest of them Now we're talking Dark I mean really dark But I can still feel light pouring in Spraying on my skin Oh of course The sun It must go Ah like that That's better Oh my God The stars How the absence of ours Illuminates your beauty beyond words And yet you must go One by one Until we have finally arrived Dark As if my eyes have been taken apart Atom by atom Each wrapped in vantablack And individually deleted Darkness that questions reality As I float adrift Searching for a way out of this emptiness That I have trapped myself in The more I yell The less I feel The less I love The more I cry And you Even in the dark In a blanket of black I can still see you For in the absence of everything Nothing matters but you