“You are stupid” words that marked my past their laughter used as an euphemism that contains glass
Belittling me? feeling as if at some point I agreed making themselves feel better while putting me down “Friends“ I would call them amusing them as I slowly drowned
My entire life believing I was stupid “You are stupid! You are stupid! You are stupid!”
Absorbed into my identity as if it messed with my brain chemically three words that pounded on my heart so heavily the cacophony of voices that are so deadly tampered within while changing my DNA and heredity
My bruised soul an outcome of our society “I am stupid” three words I created by their notoriety
All my life I have had friends and family treat me as if I was stupid. After a while I believed them, as if it was built into my conscious. While attending college I have gotten away from these people, and just started to realize that not only am I smart, but those people took a piece of confidence I will always struggle to gain back. This poem tells one of the most important stories about my life.