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Dec 2017
She doesn't blame him
For whatever has happened
She doesn't blame him
For being heartbroken
Cause she was the foolish one
The mad one, the crazy one

It's her fault for trusting again
After being broken hundred times
It's her fault for hoping
To be understood even after
So many ignorances

She realizes everyday
How blind she was not to see
His selfish love, his needy deeds
And regrets about
Judgeing everything through
His eyes, being in his shoes
And not from her own

But today, deep down she is happy
Cause after stopping to love him
She started to love herself
After stopping seeing him
She started to care herself
After stepping out of his world
She got to see the real world
Now she will be there for herself
And will have no broken promises
Will have no heart in pain
Every effort will be given at its best
Every word spoken will be truth
Cause now she is in love with herself
And this will be the
'Best love story ever'
Shuvam Sharma
Written by
Shuvam Sharma  24/F/Kathmandu
     Sadikshya Tripathi and ryn
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