Farwell my dear loves, I must prepare a ship and sail away My journey will start today A journey I must face alone And think of those I have known Rough storms I will have to face darkness and loneliness I will have to taste And embraces the waves that violently go up and down making me feel trapped and bound Isolation of the dark sea feels like Years entaggled in my fears Chained to hardship that don't end Forever being hit by violent waves that twist and bend. My heart beats hysterically i scream out LET ME DIE! So, I fall down on my knees and begin to cry I crawl into a self defeating position Im ready to give up on this so called mission Until I hear my inner voice Telling me I have a choice Either I can lay there and die Or I can get up and try I decided at the moment I will stand tall There will be nothing to cause me to fall I swear upon the moon I will finish this journey soon So I can find happiness and true love