The sheep at the ranch were all in a dither. They had to decide on a leader, and two Candidates who stood before them Worked on persuading each ram and ewe
To vote for them to serve as leader. Working together, succeed they would, Said one. The other said that if any- Body could save them, he alone could.
For some odd reason, the second sheep Won to all the animals' surprise. The wool was pulled right over their heads As he continued to propagandize.
"Do not listen to what others say," The newly-elected leader declared. "Evil wolves are out there to **** you." He was able to keep the sheep scared.
Some atypical sheep were skeptics And didn't believe the leader's baloney. They more they heard the leader speak, The more they thought the leader was phony.
"Something is terribly wrong," they said. "The leader's garb seems off-kilter. He cares NOT a jot about us; What's more, he speaks without a filter."
Gradually, sheep disappeared. Their whereabouts was a stumper. Meanwhile, their leader became Louder, bolder, meaner, and plumper.
The sheep then chose one of their own To see if the leader had major flaws. He noticed that under the leader's clothing, The leader had not hooves but claws!
Many sheep refused to believe Their ruler was phony and not on the level And blindly followed the leader's commands, Basically signing a pact with the devil.
Too late they learned the problem of choosing A leader filled with distrust and loathing Who didn’t have their best interests At heart--in short, a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Ah, poor sheep, if you had been Careful not to have taken the bait, You could have spared yourselves much trouble Long before it became too late.