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Jan 2018
As the sun still rise from the east
Sets in the palm trees of the west

As the waves still crashes
back and⚊
A cold breeze and pure white sand

As the bright rainbow still appear
After a rain with a sky so clear

As the storm always end
And a help is always send

As the north never experience summer
And deserted land will never face winter

As rooster still crows in the morning
While they are muted during evening

As long as the Earth maintains gravity
While there's a newborn star in the galaxy

As long as the battle always ceased
And inosent civilians were released

As long as broken always mend
While a hands is there to lend

As long as an orphan keeps a smile
Never loses hope, prays after awhile

As long as the ink never runs out
And my hands are able to write out

As long as my mind speak loud
While phrases are coming out

As long as you are staying right there
I will always be your poetess here
Written by
Da Dallas  18/F/Davao City
(18/F/Davao City)   
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