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Dec 2017
One is needed for the govt.'s conspiracy scenario to be credible. Pearl Harbor. Naval Intelligence cracked the ultra-secret *** code in Aug. of 1941. The attack on Battleship Row took place on Dec. 7th. The commanders at Pearl were highly concerned by *** spies photographing the fleet from rented planes. Washington was urged to grant permission for the destroyers & aircraft to be moved and for the base to go on alert. Permission was denied, of course.
   Science is wrong more often than not. Joseph Lister {for whom Listerine is named} stressed the importance of frequent hand-washing. He was ostracized for it by his colleagues & the learned priests of medicine. It's no wonder that 95,000 Americans die yearly from easily-preventable-hospital-borne staph infections. Most environmentalists claim "atheism" as their Faith. By definition homosexuality is a *******. What then are those who practice it: teamsters? I've spent enough money on my teeth to buy a helicopter, and not one of those cheesy ones that "local action eye-witness news" uses. It's a baffling world to put it mildly. There are concepts that transcend Man's meager abilities. As in all things we, as fallible people, need to practice humility.
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