For me, the world is very demanding. Anything that must be faced with daily care or a special grace becomes so very tiring and repetitive. The warm sunlight and a soft breeze in the clear blue sky are on the other side of my closed, covered windows. I am rooted to one spot where it is comfortable in the darkness, where my problems fade into the grayness, where my life is not mine to handle, and I'm so willing to live another's. It's hard for me to come out, it's hard for me to pull myself away back into this world, where nothing seems to flow in a harmony that otherwise seems to exist in the worlds I discover, streaming from the screen I longingly gaze at for hours. There's something missing, I feel discontented with what is given rather than cherishing the life I have the privilege to live. It's just in my dreams, I am living different lives, with different moments and what's difficult to handle while I'm awake, is so very easy to brush to the side with a strength I acquire from dreaming of a world where my reality isn't the reality.