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Dec 2017
  plummeting and foolish boy, his fear of flying taken from his fear of falling. His father told him not to go so far, his wings were weak and frail- reeling, retching- ripped to shreds.

demands your worship on aching knees with a wet mouth- she waits for Ares- the man who claims to show his love with bruises.

the blue lights of a neon sign reflecting to him as he laughs and starts a fight, his knife shining and dripping scarlet- dripping scarlet, dripping blue neon- the room quickly emptied of souls

Her wisdom has run dry, she sits in the back of a smoky bar. The bartender pours her another drink and she feels her tequila soaked mind slip into a coma, she doesn’t give- for once and forever- she is free

He sits surrounded by woman, the heavy beat pulsing through his bones and all he hears is heavy breathing and bass, he’s all alone- all alone and sitting- no one will look here for him here.

She dyes her hair and inks her skin in an alley, she wonders why her husband doesn’t look at her the same and traces her hand against the cold brick, pretending it’s his hand as she plays with- considers and contemplates- the idea of calling a lover,

He chain smokes and wanders the streets of New York, his pale skin pearlescent and soft, he thinks he loves Persephone - and the way a soul feels warm after death- a little too much.

He gets drunk off gin and tonic, his mind wandering to the way Athena looked with the early morning sun on her skin and how much he wanted to write his words- and love, his soft love- on her early morning skin.

He hunts for his prey, as the city of sin calls his name blatantly and boldly- he sips a glass of moonshine and curls his lips at the burning taste, he decides moon shine- is colder and softer when- harvested by the gods

at dusk, under the greed washed stars; with the metallic taste of homesickness on their tongues and the dull ache of gin and tonic in their bones- tonight and only tonight- the gods have lost their divinity
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