If only when was a small girl All I ever wanted was to be good I mixed soil in a puddle and I'd get the most brilliant pie made of mud Id have it in my socks and on my face and that was the very best bit but I was shown the "naughty step" and that is where I'd have to sit. I could not understand why oh why I was only trying to be good and all I wanted was to feed my dollies some dinner although it was made of mud. So there I sat seemed like forever and a day My mind used to think silly things so they said I used to ask the reason why I was silly but that question always got me straight to bed. I was told I was not hungry before going to sleep but I was, how did they know, they didn't enquire I was cold I remember, and the screams got me nowhere but they weren't cold, they had a roaring fire. I could smell their dinner cooking but it was not for me everytime I asked for food I was given a slap I could not find the reason why, if only I could I now realise I was the victim of child abuse and I dont know why, if only I could have been good.