to utter "sorry" is to subsequently imply intentional (subconsciously in the least)... a mere oops would actually suffice to let me acknowledge: accidental intent; otherwise its intentionally "accidental" - which is the usual jargon of explaining a subconscious... accidental intent is just fine, and if it's so: it's never a matter of apology, but a startling case of shock-value blunder.*
your lack of tact invokes you to express a pardon but nonetheless lack of heartfelt excuse by merely implying "sorry"? so a "sorry" implies that you're tactful when actually being untactful in that you're being disrespectful, and that somehow excuses you? why should you be excused, and if by being excused you deem "sorry" to imply: pardon me? there is a grievance dialogue to be had, but then again, you're english... you'll sooner the "excuse" of **** than of common congeniality before you learn to differentiate between a knife, and a fork... i've had enough of this posturing... i see all englishmen as only worth the farm-stock, ambitious, but a rabble nonetheless... a canary's breath inquiring into the screeching echo-chamber of a bird of prey swooping down... what does "sorry" actually imply? to trivialise an affair of basic social conduct akin to the trivial: stepping on someone's heels... may i suggest: learn to grow a pair of eyes?! sorry... hmm... sorry what? sorry, hello?! some people have become so fond of grey day-to-day mannerisms, that they've forgotten the decency of keeping manners! the sort of people, interested in telling a "good" joke... i'm hardly interested in your sense of humour, i find that a supposedly "good" joke makes me cringe... and that a "bad" jokes makes me a replicating chameleon of bad language... this english concept of "sorry"... which is only a word to masquerade awkwardness... does me more harm, than the actual harm inflicted does me good... i'd rather not hear it... nor have the capacity of mind to need to entertain it... if only the revived need for the comic: oops! that i could digest! sorry what? why so apologetic when in fact "supposedly" unintentional... and if not the "supposedly"... then how much more courteous with a mere: oops! - and to think i've transcended the native courteous mannerisms... and taught myself some odd, new, few others... i can understand being polite, but there's a time and a place, in the informal circumstance of grieving a second party in a commute environment, you don't simply provide napkin, candles, culinary tools and a call for supper... ****... writing this **** you'd expect me to have a **** shoved up my ***... me? i just love the courtesy of formal affairs of language, written with informal hues; or? pedant vs. the pederast.