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Dec 2017
I need this trip to my parents house. I need to smell the air I grew up in. Feel the arms of the ones who love and know me. Feel the city lights gleam on my face as I look up to the sky for hope, faith, and guidance. I am a vagrant running through these streets asking for a light to show me the right road to take. I cannot care what other people think of my divorce. I can't act like a stigma. I will not cower my head in shame. I am smart. I am beautiful. I am funny. I am kind. I am care free. I am gentle. I am a good listener. I know I will find a strong hearted man who will always make me feel safe. A man who will not take me for granted and a man who will never make me have doubt. It will be tough or maybe it won't. I am just a dandelion leaf trailing on the wind, letting the universe guide me home.
Written by
Stewie  32/F/Tampa, FL
(32/F/Tampa, FL)   
     --- and Colm
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