Be kind to a stranger and you might make a friend.
Lend a helping hand to someone in need and you might build your foundation stronger by adding a new beam.
Be loud if you think you are not being heard, but respectful to anyone in the room. You might learn how to speak up for yourself and people will stop to pay attention.
Don’t be shy and you might find something amazing, because you opened yourself up to the possibilities.
Face your fears so you can move forward, and you might go on an adventure you always dreamed about.
Be free like a bird, and you might find your soul mate because you put yourself out there for everyone to see.
Be one with the sea and you won’t be pulled under the title waves, life won’t seem so exhausting.
Live life as if you are dying because you are going to someday.
Respect life because it won’t respect you if you don’t. Life can’t respect it’s self because life is an affect nothing else.
Be true to you and everyone else and life will seem happier and smoother.