Melt-away girl, I don’t want to watch you go. You’ve slipped between my fingers One too many times. I hate to watch your heart break. I wish I could breathe life into your broken spirit Instead of having to see you Melt away With the next betrayal Each new set of bullying youths Or scarring untruths. It hurts me beyond hurt that I cannot be there to stop them When they treat you so badly. I can do nothing but hold you, Melt-away girl, Trying to show you that There is still love in the world. I am too young, too powerless, To do anything but adore you Adopt you as my kin Remind you that your world may be shattered But you may also be somebody’s world. Unfortunately, I am not enough to always offer escape. I am just one. And I must watch each time you evaporate My sister sans blood, My melt-away girl.
I wrote this late at night while thinking about a very dear friend who's like a sister to me, and who has been going through some extremely hard things lately.